[DCN-TechOps] Web Activity Summary

DCN Web Team msmosaic at dcn.org
Mon May 30 18:43:27 PDT 2005

Sorry this is late. Mailman went offline Sunday morning, and this
bounced (alerting me to the Mailman problem).

1,300,891 requests
13,344,519,873 bytes transferred

Subdomains by bytes transferred
  1 vctinney              1,606,697,339 12.04
  2 academic-genealogy.com  1,582,755,084 11.86
  3 peanutscollectorclub.com  1,169,474,514  8.76
  4 vme                     993,166,627  7.44
  5 redwoodbarn.com         575,954,787  4.32
  6 members.dcn.org         542,834,513  4.07
  7 DCN                     505,860,547  3.79
  8 warbird.com             451,578,195  3.38
  9 gvcc                    315,761,103  2.37
10 explorit.org            295,018,136  2.21
11 klsabin                 265,486,295  1.99
12 abih.org                262,237,600  1.97
13 vetsoft                 253,286,531  1.90
14 multiwareinc.com        251,098,013  1.88
15 gracevalley.org         220,795,435  1.65
16 palmsplayhouse.com      217,269,838  1.63
17 damfast.org             187,234,249  1.40
18 getpizza                186,454,774  1.40
19 bang                    164,928,658  1.24
20 lamppostpizza.com       155,183,313  1.16
21 birchlane               138,741,219  1.04
22 coffer.com              133,471,630  1.00

Subdomains by requests
  1 vme                    171,373 13.17%
  2 DCN                    136,908 10.52%
  3 abih.org               116,794  8.98%
  4 peanutscollectorclub.com    89,343  6.87%
  5 coffer.com              66,041  5.08%
  6 vetsoft                 42,859  3.29%
  7 explorit.org            33,925  2.61%
  8 gracevalley.org         32,202  2.48%
  9 academic-genealogy.com    29,181  2.24%
10 palmsplayhouse.com      28,745  2.21%
11 members.dcn.org         27,758  2.13%
12 redwoodbarn.com         27,316  2.10%
13 gvcc                    23,788  1.83%
14 lamppostpizza.com       22,929  1.76%
15 yolorecorder.org        22,415  1.72%
16 birchlane               21,987  1.69%
17 getpizza                21,747  1.67%
18 warbird.com             21,521  1.65%
19 klsabin                 21,192  1.63%
20 damfast.org             17,588  1.35%
21 vctinney                16,858  1.30%
22 davisairporter.com      15,074  1.16%
23 explorit                13,149  1.01%

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