[DCN-TechOps] Rotation/Tally of HTTPD log files

Super-User msmosaic at dcn.org
Sun Oct 4 00:01:56 PDT 2009

Rotation/Tally of HTTPD log files:

Copying log files...
Signal USR1 to Apache...
Splitting access log...
Compressing main log files...
Tallying usage by host...
1st-mile.com                            	10/04/2009	    2752	  40174991
californiacyclingcenter.org             	10/04/2009	       0	       327
centralparkgardens.org                  	10/04/2009	   19170	1135111649
daviscemetery.org                       	10/04/2009	    2150	  86754850
daviscommunityscrapbook.com             	10/04/2009	       0	      6385
daviscommunityscrapbook.org             	10/04/2009	    1491	  25126641
davisgradnight.org                      	10/04/2009	    1832	 151668490
davishistoricalsociety.org              	10/04/2009	   11694	 322587946
davishistoryresearch.org                	10/04/2009	    6014	 356700876
davisparentnurseryschool.com            	10/04/2009	   10654	  75942553
dctv.davis.ca.us                        	10/04/2009	       0	    108729
default.dcn.org                         	10/04/2009	    4225	 170781653
dhsjazzchoir.org                        	10/04/2009	    2368	 144637425
dhspta.org                              	10/04/2009	   83789	1244486608
dhstreblechoir.org                      	10/04/2009	    2225	  27438133
djusd.net                               	10/04/2009	  213003	2880080338
events.dcn.org                          	10/04/2009	   25703	  50535712
explorit.org                            	10/04/2009	  120563	1004080735
forums.dcn.org                          	10/04/2009	     895	  16824678
forums.dctv.davis.ca.us                 	10/04/2009	       0	     33803
gaydaydavis.org                         	10/04/2009	     183	    383046
groups.dcn.org                          	10/04/2009	  150535	1913375932
internationalhousedavis.org             	10/04/2009	   37528	 233909628
lists.djusd.net                         	10/04/2009	      21	    215268
lists.yolocf.org                        	10/04/2009	      22	     31911
madrigalchoir.org                       	10/04/2009	   16264	 163650218
mailman.dcn.org                         	10/04/2009	       0	     65921
nstreetcohousing.org                    	10/04/2009	   14762	  94560612
oldnorthdavishistory.org                	10/04/2009	   10278	 215668128
patwinelementary.org                    	10/04/2009	    8029	 401225984
radlab.com                              	10/04/2009	    2760	  71964359
rrconsignments.org                      	10/04/2009	    5361	  69024226
savingca.org                            	10/04/2009	    3412	  36977982
savingcacommunities.org                 	10/04/2009	       0	      3858
savingcaliforniacommunities.org         	10/04/2009	       0	      3314
suicidepreventionyolocounty.org         	10/04/2009	    2083	  19972086
thesparechanger.org                     	10/04/2009	    1832	 168506815
webmail.dcn.org                         	10/04/2009	       0	     66552
woodlandtreefoundation.com              	10/04/2009	    3526	  24643789
www2.dcn.org                            	10/04/2009	  179112	 899444839
yolocf.org                              	10/04/2009	    3321	  84257344
yoloelections.org                       	10/04/2009	   11335	 204448864
yolorecorder.org                        	10/04/2009	   96584	 827213223
zugod.org                               	10/04/2009	    6539	  59973398

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