[DCN-TechOps] Rotation/Tally of HTTPD log files

Super-User msmosaic at dcn.org
Sun Sep 27 00:01:46 PDT 2009

Rotation/Tally of HTTPD log files:

Copying log files...
Signal USR1 to Apache...
Splitting access log...
Compressing main log files...
Tallying usage by host...
1st-mile.com                            	09/27/2009	    2251	  27038646
californiacyclingcenter.org             	09/27/2009	       0	       339
centralparkgardens.org                  	09/27/2009	   25984	1185941801
daviscemetery.org                       	09/27/2009	    1720	 104741243
daviscommunityscrapbook.com             	09/27/2009	       0	      2407
daviscommunityscrapbook.org             	09/27/2009	     141	    630923
davisgradnight.org                      	09/27/2009	    2959	 165330664
davishistoricalsociety.org              	09/27/2009	   13137	 759015838
davishistoryresearch.org                	09/27/2009	    3553	 129572674
davisparentnurseryschool.com            	09/27/2009	    7085	  55368803
dctv.davis.ca.us                        	09/27/2009	       0	    133632
default.dcn.org                         	09/27/2009	    3746	 174874671
dhsjazzchoir.org                        	09/27/2009	    3659	 154858519
dhspta.org                              	09/27/2009	   82566	1152389127
dhstreblechoir.org                      	09/27/2009	    1008	  17109077
djusd.net                               	09/27/2009	  217918	3021652978
events.dcn.org                          	09/27/2009	   25803	  52535503
explorit.org                            	09/27/2009	  116809	 830862441
forums.dcn.org                          	09/27/2009	     758	  15111343
forums.dctv.davis.ca.us                 	09/27/2009	       0	     37240
gaydaydavis.org                         	09/27/2009	     153	    331673
groups.dcn.org                          	09/27/2009	  165907	2046574420
internationalhousedavis.org             	09/27/2009	   45509	 261016007
lists.djusd.net                         	09/27/2009	      15	    183583
lists.yolocf.org                        	09/27/2009	      17	     36883
madrigalchoir.org                       	09/27/2009	    4888	 111207562
mailman.dcn.org                         	09/27/2009	       0	     66530
nstreetcohousing.org                    	09/27/2009	   13812	 108274728
oldnorthdavishistory.org                	09/27/2009	    9074	 217642807
patwinelementary.org                    	09/27/2009	   10832	 452034463
radlab.com                              	09/27/2009	    1877	  57270282
rrconsignments.org                      	09/27/2009	    4521	  70622727
savingca.org                            	09/27/2009	    4637	  64834971
savingcacommunities.org                 	09/27/2009	       0	      5490
savingcaliforniacommunities.org         	09/27/2009	       0	      4308
suicidepreventionyolocounty.org         	09/27/2009	     654	  20268186
thesparechanger.org                     	09/27/2009	    1829	  45193233
webmail.dcn.org                         	09/27/2009	       0	     69343
woodlandtreefoundation.com              	09/27/2009	    3219	  16763955
www2.dcn.org                            	09/27/2009	  209776	 960899927
yolocf.org                              	09/27/2009	    2869	  81686913
yoloelections.org                       	09/27/2009	   12121	 219278064
yolorecorder.org                        	09/27/2009	   95909	 819468847
zugod.org                               	09/27/2009	    6046	  58775321

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