[DCN-TechOps] Monthly Downtime Report
John M. Crowell
jcrowell at dcn.davis.ca.us
Tue Aug 1 00:18:35 PDT 2006
Monthly System Availability Report: July 2006
22Jul06 ~12:00 - 24-Jul06 ~17:00
Air Conditioning system fails at DCN NOC. (2 days 5:00)
00:00 01-Aug-06 uptime= 5 days 23:41 hours
23Jul06 14:10 All systems shut down to prevent overheating
24Jul06 15:04 Wheel relocated to Omsoft: rebooted @15:04 (24:54)
26Jul06 00:04-00:20 Wheel shut down to move back into NOC (0:16)
Scheduled interruptions every Saturday midnight
for cycling log files. downtime ~1 min.
00:00 01-Aug-06 uptime = 5 days 23:48 hours
23Jul06 14:10 All systems shut down to prevent overheating
24Jul06 11:46 Spoke relocated to Omsoft: rebooted @11:46 (21:36)
26Jul06 00:05-00:12 Spoke shut down to move back into NOC (0:07)
00:00 01-Aug-06 uptime = 34 days 02:28 hours
No downtime
00:00 01-Aug-06 uptime = 6 days 18:03 hours
22Jul06 14:04-14:40 Crank shut down due to overheating. (0:36)
23Jul06 14:10 All systems shut down to prevent overheating
25Jul06 05:57 Crank rebooted (32:13)
23Jul06 14:10 - 24Jul06 15:04 (24:54)
26Jul06 00:04 - 04:20 (0:16)
Dialup authentication via wheel disabled.
No apparent outages.
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